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Enriching Our Worship 1 : Morning and Evening Prayer, The Great Litany, The Holy Eucharist
This is the edition of Supplemental Liturgical Materials prepared by The Standing Liturgical Commission 1997. Materials include seventeen additional canticles taken from the Old Testament, the Apocrypha, the New Testament,...
Ritual Excellence: Best Practices for Leading and Planning Liturgy
A leading expert shares important benchmarks for leading liturgy.Grounded in Christian liturgical theology and how ritual forms the people who practice it, this book offers the principles at work in...
Planning for Rites and Rituals: A Resource for Episcopal Worship: Year C
The indispensable guide to curating resources for worship in the Episcopal Church. Newly revised and reorganized, this guide to liturgical planning in the Episcopal Church is organized around the seasons...
Book of Occasional Services 2022
Newly updated Episcopal liturgies for every season. The Book of Occasional Services 2022 contains authorized liturgies for numerous occasions, including seasonal blessings, lessons and carols for Christmas and Advent, tenebrae,...
Enriching Our Music 1: Canticles and Setting for the Eucharist
This is the first of two collections from the Standing Commission on Liturgy and Music of additional service music for the church with eleven settings for the eucharist and two...
Lesser Feast and Fasts 2022
Newly revised commemorations for saints and occasions throughout the church year. Lesser Feasts and Fasts supplements the Book of Common Prayer with material to commemorate numerous saints and occasions. This 2022...
Why Go to Church? The Drama of the Eucharist
The Eucharist, writes Timothy Radcliffe, is a three-part drama, forming us in faith, hope and love. In this book he examines what it means to celebrate the Eucharist. Other people experience it...
A Lector's Guide & Commentary to the Revised Common Lectionary: Year B
A LECTOR'S GUIDE AND COMMENTARY assists those whose calling, responsibility, and privilege it is to proclaim the Word of God through the public reading of Holy Scripture. The Guide provides...
Hear Our Prayer: Prayers of the People for the Revised Common Lectionary
Reviewed by Dean Kate Moorehead Carroll in August 2024 Bookstore Newsletter "As we approach the fiftieth anniversary of the Book of Common Prayer, we find ourselves sometimes hungry for new...
The Acolyte's Book: A Basic Guide for the Church Acolyte Complete with Certificate
Clearly defines duties, procedures, equipment and key words. Includes line drawings of vestments and a nondenominational certificate.
The Canterbury Book New Parish Prayers: Collects for the Church and for the World
This collection of around 500 original collect-style prayers and biddings covering the life of the Church and the life of the world. Contemporary in focus and language, the prayers are...
Enriching Our Worship 3: Burial Rites for Adults: Together with a Rite for the Burial of A Child
These authorized rites are intended to be a supplement to the burial services in the Book of Common Prayer, adding a rich variety of material from many sources, including prayers for...
Enriching Our Music 2: More Canticles and Settings for the Eucharist
This second volume of canticles and settings for the eucharist contains music for the remaining new canticles found in "Enriching Our Worship 1" and more compositions for the eucharist by...
Planning for Rites & Rituals: Year B
The indispensable guide to curating resources for worship in the Episcopal Church. Newly revised and reorganized, Planning for Rites and Rituals is a guide to liturgical planning in the Episcopal Church, organized...
Preparing an Episcopal Funeral
Funeral planning is one of the most challenging things a family or priest may ever do, whether it is honoring the death of a loved one or long-time member of...
Women's Lectionary for Whole Church: Year W
What would it look like if women built a lectionary focusing on women's stories? What does it look like to tell the good news through the stories of women who...
Women's Lectionary for Whole Church-Year B
The next installment in the critically acclaimed lectionary series that focuses on women's stories. In this second volume of the three-volume Women's Lectionary for the Whole Church, widely praised womanist bible...
A Priest's Handbook: The Ceremonies of the Church
An authoritative priestly guidebook of the hows and whys of the Episcopal liturgy. The definitive reference work that simplifies liturgical officiating and celebrating of the rites of the Episcopal Church. A...
A Lector's Guide and Commentary to the Revised Common Lectionary (Year C)
A Lector's Guide and Commentary to the Revised Common Lectionary assists those whose calling, responsibility, and privilege it is to proclaim the Word of God through the public reading of Holy...
A Women's Lectionary for the Whole Church Year C
The final installment in the critically acclaimed lectionary series that focuses on women's stories. In this third volume of a three-volume lectionary, widely praised womanist bible scholar and priest Wilda...
Revised Common Lectionary Pew Edition: Years A, B, C, and Holy Days Episcopal Edition
The complete readings for the Revised Common Lectionary Years A, B, and C, as authorized by the 2006 General Convention of the Episcopal Church, together with readings for the major Holy Days...
Enriching Our Worship 2: Ministry with the Sick or Dying, Burial of a Child
Prepared by the Standing Commission on Liturgy and Music and adopted by the 73rd General Convention, this new set of materials was adapted from sources in scripture; a variety of...
The Holy Eucharist: Altar Edition
The Holy Eucharist, Rites One and Two, from the Book of Common Prayer, with music for all proper prefaces and conclusions to Eucharistic Prayers; Prayers of the People; Communion under...
Holy Eucharist Proper Liturgies for Special Days Inserts: Ash Wednesday, The Sunday of the Passion: Palm Sunday, Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, The Great Vigil of Easter
Liturgies for Ash Wednesday, Palm Sunday, Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, Holy Saturday, and the Easter Vigil. 64 pages. Hole-punched for inclusion in the Holy Eucharist, Altar Edition, Binder. Binder...
Celebrating the Eucharist: A Practical Ceremonial Guide for Clergy & Other Liturgical Ministers
In this first new Eucharistic customary in nearly 20 years, Patrick Malloy, an Episcopal priest and liturgical scholar, presents a clear, illustrated guide for the presider and other leaders of...
Preparing for A Wedding in the Episcopal Church
Resource for clergy to give/use with couples seeking to be wed in an Episcopal Church Many couples come to an Episcopal Church seeking a place to hold their wedding ceremony...
Christ's Own Forever: Episcopal Baptism of Infants and Young Children, Leader's Guide
The Leader's Guide combines practical exercises with inspiring reflections on the experiences of individuals involved with baptism. Clergy and lay people will find a wealth of ideas, tips, and discussion...
Enriching Our Worship 5: Liturgies and Prayers Related to Childbearing, Childbirth, and Loss
This unique new service book includes liturgies for blessing and healing as related to childbearing and childbirth. It includes prayers, Scripture readings and hymn suggestions organized around the blessing of...
Intercessions for the Christian People
Fifty liturgical scholars - Roman Catholic, Episcopal, and Lutheran - have authored these intercessory prayers for each Sunday of the three-year cycle to expand the resources available to local pastors....
Elements of Rite: A Handbook of Liturgical Style
Keeping in mind two pastoral considerations - the liturgy itself and the assembly that worships - Father Kavanagh looks not beyond rubrics but deep into their historical and pastoral existence...
Women's Lectionary for Whole Church: Year A
What would it look like if women built a lectionary focusing on women's stories? What does it look like to tell the good news through the stories of women who...
A Great Cloud of Witnesses
Church Publishing Incorporated is pleased to offer this new and expanded volume of optional commemorations of significant figures in the history of The Episcopal Church. It replaces the popular Holy Women,...
All Desires Known: Third Edition
A classic and indispensable resource for public worship and private devotion that speaks to people across a range of traditions - both within and beyond the church. Composed in response...
The Holy Spirit in the Book of Common Prayer
Did you know that the Holy Spirit is a significant figure in the The Book of Common Prayer? The Holy Spirit in The Book of Common Prayer explains every occurrence...
Brightest and Best: A Companion to the Lesser Feasts and Fasts
In these meditations on the lesser feasts and fasts of the church calendar Sam Portaro asks the question, What do these saints and commemorations have to say to Christians today?
Reconciliation: Preparing for Confession in the Episcopal Church
The author overviews the theological and spiritual background of the sacrament of reconciliation and offers practical suggestions for the practice of hearing and making a confession.
Creating Uncommon Worship: Transforming the Liturgy of Eucharist
Creating Uncommon Worship is a groundbreaking resource that seeks to transform the way worship is conducted and experienced. Offering helpful suggestions on how to avoid the common problem of restricting liturgy...