.. Gripping story of determination, listening, dedication, and commitment. Through the Red Door is a witness to the people of God responding to God's call. The Holy Spirit convicted individuals whose creative vision and courage awakened a people, a Diocese, a city, churches, and others to respond with compassion and commitment. It's a story not only of passion but of leadership and equipping God's people for service."
- The Rev. Dr. R. Scott White, Rector Trinity Episcopal Church, Asheville.
Laughter, tears, a stolen guitar tracked down and returned, and music-the songs of lives touched by Jesus Christ in courageous unmasked community, where "give and receive" is exchanged from those on the streets as from those in the suburbs, Through The Red Door is a powerful portrait of Kingdom reality. What a blessing to us all it is to have glimpses into the beautiful lives of those who dare proclaim "He Is Risen" by the way they listen, learn and love. To God be the glory!
Sue Carmichael
Lay Vicar
St. Mary's Springfield
Jacksonville, Florida