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44 Poems on Being with Each Other
44 Poems on Being with Each Other is a new volume that offers immersive reflections on the human connection. With an observant eye, Pádraig Ó Tuama shares an enlightening meditation on...
A Wee Worship Book: Fifth Incarnation
This 5th edition of A Wee Worship Book consists of almost completely new material, so those who have used and been inspired by the ‘4th incarnation’ will find here a rich, fresh...
Being Here: Prayers for Curiosity, Justice, and Love
"What is prayer? It's not a passport to heaven. If anything, it's a way of seeing here, a way of being here." In Being Here, acclaimed poet and theologian Pádraig Ó...
Celtic Benediction: Morning and Night Prayer
This lavishly illustrated daily prayer book draws on the great spiritual insights and wisdom of the Celtic church, offering prayers and Scripture readings for every morning and evening of the...
Celtic Christian Spirituality: Essential Writings Annotated & Explained
Take inspiration from the primary texts of the lively Celtic Christian tradition, with selections from the works of Pelagius, Eriugena and St. Patrick, as well as prayers and poems from...
Celtic Daily Prayer Prayers and Readings from the Northumbria Community-Hardback
The Ancient Paths of Northumbria in northeastern England have been trod by generations of men and women who loved God and followed Jesus, bringing faith, hope, and love to vast numbers...
Celtic Treasure: Daily Scripture and Prayer
A daily prayer book that invites participation by all ages, Celtic Treasure will enable families to draw regularly from the great riches of Scripture and Celtic Christianity. It can also serve as...
Celtic Ways to Pray: Finding God in the Natural Elements
Celtic traditions point to God in the natural elements in this refreshing take on how to pray. Where is God when we pray? Artist and priest Ruth Pattison looks to...
Daily Prayer with the Corrymeela Community
Daily Prayer with the Corrymeela Community draws on the spiritual practices of Northern Ireland's longest established peace and reconciliation organisation. For over fifty years, it has been bringing fractured communities...
Globalization of God: Paperback
- Roman Catholicism was the first multinational corporation- Preaching was the forerunner of advertising- Roman Catholicism created the template for the spread of commercial globalisation through multinational corporations- For global...
Inis Mor: Poems and Images of Arainn
Featuring 46 poems and 45 photos, it offers an intimate experience of Inis Mór, also called Árainn, the largest of the Aran Islands off Galway Bay in the West of...
Praying With the Earth: A Prayerbook for Peace
Morning and evening prayers for the peace of the whole world. We as Jews, Christians, and Muslims share a common spiritual descent, yet painful divisions between us lie at the...
Reimagining the Divine: A Celtic Spirituality of Experience
The globalised belief in one 'God' has become a problem. The prayer 'Our Father in heaven' presents an image that embodies the values of uniformity, exclusivity, patriarchy, authoritarianism and the...
Sacred Earth, Sacred Soul: Celtic Wisdom for Reawakening to What Our Souls Know and Healing the World
A leading spiritual teacher reveals how Celtic spirituality--listening to the sacred around us and inside of us--can help us heal the earth, overcome our conflicts, and reconnect with ourselves.John Philip...
Soulfaring Celtic Pilgrimage Then and Now
Pilgrimage-going to ancient holy sites in search of God-has become increasingly popular for people seeking to deepen their relationship with the Holy. Sister Cintra Pemberton seeks to enrich the...
The Great Search: Turning to Earth & Soul in the Quest for Healing & Home
In the great tradition of authors who leave church but remain spiritual--such as Barbara Brown Taylor, Rob Bell--the author of Sacred Earth, Sacred Soul forges a new path toward a true spiritual...