Handbooks & Manuals

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The Episcopal Musician's Handbook: 68th Edition Lectionary Year C 2024-2025

The Episcopal Musician's Handbook: 68th Edition Lectionary Year C 2024-2025

The Spiral Bound Episcopal Musician’s Handbook is the essential tool for assisting clergy, musicians and laity in preparing meaningful worship in the Anglican tradition. 
Vestry Handbook Fourth Revised Edition

Vestry Handbook Fourth Revised Edition

An indespensable resource that supports vestry members and clergy in their ministry. Trusted by tens of thousands of vestry members, wardens, and rectors, The Vestry Handbook is the indispensable guide to the...
Vestry Resource Guide

Vestry Resource Guide

Whether you're a new vestry member or a seasoned veteran, the newly revised Vestry Resource Guide is essential reading. With a deliberate focus on the importance of lay and clergy...
Centering Prayer An Introduction #1448

Centering Prayer An Introduction #1448

Centering prayer, also called prayer of the heart, is a form of prayerful meditation with roots in the 14th century that calls us to loving attentiveness to God in our lives....
Walking the Labyrinth #1879

Walking the Labyrinth #1879

Explore the ancient roots and Christian meaning of this increasingly popular spiritual tool. It explains the three stages of the labyrinth journey-- releasing, receiving, and returning-- and provides themes for...
The Episcopal Church and Roman Catholics #2113

The Episcopal Church and Roman Catholics #2113

This pamphlet explains The Episcopal Church to seekers from the Roman Catholic tradition. Both similarities and differences are covered. Special attention is paid to the welcome the Episcopal Church offers...
For Those Who Mourn #2221

For Those Who Mourn #2221

Now in its 44th printing, this classic pamphlet was originally written by the Rev. G. Carleton Barnwell after his daughter was killed in a car accident on her way to...
Lectio Divina #2006

Lectio Divina #2006

Lectio divina, or divine reading, is a four-step approach to reading and praying scripture with its roots in western medieval monasticism. Felicia Smith explains the process behind this popular form...
Grief #2374

Grief #2374

Forward Movement's newly updated pamphlet on grief offers readers the opportunity to engage some of life's most difficult moments. This pamphlet strives to gently remind us that whether we find...
What We Do in Church: An Anglican Child's Activity Book

What We Do in Church: An Anglican Child's Activity Book

Engage your children with fun activities as they learn about Anglican liturgy and experience a more meaningful worship. With interactive puzzles, color-by-number, word finds, and more, this fun-filled activity book...
Preparing an Episcopal Funeral

Preparing an Episcopal Funeral

Funeral planning is one of the most challenging things a family or priest may ever do, whether it is honoring the death of a loved one or long-time member of...
Water for Baptism, Water for Life: An Activity Book

Water for Baptism, Water for Life: An Activity Book

An illustrated book for 8-11 year olds and families, with activities that offer a variety of ways for children to interact with this core value of our faith, making a...
Christ's Own Forever: Episcopal Baptism of Infants and Young Children; Parent/Godparent Journal

Christ's Own Forever: Episcopal Baptism of Infants and Young Children; Parent/Godparent Journal

Christ's Own Forever is a unique resource developed with the varying needs of Episcopal communities of all sizes in mind. Flexible session plans are ideal for both one-on-one conversations with parents...


Author Mike Kinman describes the theology of baptism, exploring the sacramental act through the story of creation and the baptism of Jesus. Kinman, dean of Christ Church Cathedral in St....
Belonging Membership in the Episcopal Church #2191

Belonging Membership in the Episcopal Church #2191

People often ask what they need to do to become a member of the Episcopal Church. This guide answers that question and addresses many more, including Baptism, Confirmation, and membership...
Welcome to the Episcopal Church #2174

Welcome to the Episcopal Church #2174

Everyone is welcome in The Episcopal Church. In this pamphlet, Scott Gunn offers an introduction to the Episcopal Church and its basic beliefs and practices. It explores the history and...
Preparing for Baptism in the Episcopal Church

Preparing for Baptism in the Episcopal Church

A primer or refresher on the sacrament of Baptism for newparents, new members, and godparents. This book is about preparing for Christian baptism in the Episcopal Church. While we may...
Preparing for A Wedding in the Episcopal Church

Preparing for A Wedding in the Episcopal Church

Resource for clergy to give/use with couples seeking to be wed in an Episcopal Church Many couples come to an Episcopal Church seeking a place to hold their wedding ceremony...
Christ's Own Forever: Episcopal Baptism of Infants and Young Children, Leader's Guide

Christ's Own Forever: Episcopal Baptism of Infants and Young Children, Leader's Guide

The Leader's Guide combines practical exercises with inspiring reflections on the experiences of individuals involved with baptism. Clergy and lay people will find a wealth of ideas, tips, and discussion...