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2024/2025 Bishop's Institute Licensed Lay Preacher Course, Diocese of Florida, textbook (one of two) In her bestselling preaching autobiography, Barbara Brown Taylor writes of how she came to be a...
Preaching the Luminous Word: Biblical Sermons and Homiletical Essays, LAY PREACHERS COURSE 2024/2025, SERIES 5
ONE OF THE ASSIGNED TEXTBOOKS FOR THE 2024/25 LAY PREACHERS CLASS (SERIES 5), BISHOP'S INSTITUTE, DIOCESE OF FLORIDA Insights from one of the most distinctive and eloquent scholar-preachers of our time...
So That All Might Know: Preaching That Engages the Whole Congregation, LAY PREACHERS COURSE TEXT, SERIES 4
Become a more effective preacher by understanding the multiple intelligences and learning styles present in your congregation. Most preachers experience the conundrum of reaching some people in the congregation, and not...
Gathering Up the Fragments: Preaching as Spiritual Practice
I write for all those parish pastors and priests who want to preach well, who long to speak with authority, clarity, and humility, and yet who feel, as I do,...
The Witness of Preaching: Third Edition -- 2024/2025 LAY PREACHERS COURSE BOOK SERIES 1 & 2
One of two selected books for 2024/2025 Licensed Lay Preaching Course from the Bishop's Institute, Diocese of Florida This is a newly revised edition of one of the standard introductory...
Determining the Form: 2024/2025 LAY PREACHER COURSE TEXT, SERIES 3
2024/2025 LAY PREACHER COURSE TEXT, SERIES 3 This fifth title in the Elements of Preaching series offers preaching students and clergy an overview of some of the most common sermonic...
Preaching Without Notes
In this important book, Webb makes two central claims. First, that effective preaching without a manuscript is not a matter of talent as much as it is a matter of...
The Homiletical Plot: The Sermon as Narrative Art Form
Now in reissue with a new foreword by Fred B. Craddock and afterword by the author, Eugene L. Lowry, The Homiletical Plot, Expanded Edition follows in the same solid tradition of...
Nelson's Minister's Manual: Sermons and Service Helps for Today's Busy Pastor, New King James Version
The minister's life is punctuated by unscheduled emergencies in the lives of church members or other acquaintances. Here is a resource to help deal with those occurrences seamlessly. Nelson's Minister's Manual...