It's an unfortunate reality within church ministry that sometimes people get upset. It happens, and you do the best you can with it. It's true that many churches and pastors have marvelous synchronicity and enjoy a mutually-beneficial ministry together. The pastor ministering to the needs of the flock, and the flock protecting and caring for their shepherd. Occasionally though, something goes wrong inside of the flock. Rather than following the pastor's leadership and receiving the pastor's care, one (or more) of the flock begin to turn on their shepherd. Sometimes the build-up is obvious, sometimes it's explosive and comes seemingly from nowhere. Regardless of how it happens, the sheep attack. When sheep attack, the fallout surrounding the attack takes a toll on the shepherd and his family, the flock, and on the attack sheep themselves. Inside you will find some of the common traits of attack sheep, some reasons that sheep attack, and some of the challenges that exist before, during, and after an attack. Before you're through, you will learn some things you can do to stop or lessen the damage of the attack, and some specific steps you can take to pick up the pieces afterwards.