Darkness Yielding is an imaginative and engaging collection of ready-to-use liturgies, prayers and reflections for the richest seasons of the Christian year - Advent and Christmas, Holy Week and Easter. For all who may be looking for fresh and striking ways of expressing what the birth, death and resurrection of Jesus mean for human life, Darkness Yielding offers:
- Probing reflections by Rowan Williams and Martyn Percy
- Complete liturgies by Jim Cotter for a Christmas Eve vigil, a Maundy Thursday footwashing and Last Supper, a Good Friday devotional service, an Easter Eve vigil, and a dawn celebration of the Resurrection
- A contemporary set of meditations on the Stations of the Cross and the Seven Words from the Cross from Sylvia Sands
- A series of seven Good Friday addresses by W H Vanstone

Darkness Yielding: Liturgies, Prayers and Reflections for Advent, Christmas, Holy Week and Easter