Popular icon series comes in 3 sizes, can be standing or wall mounted.
Vibrant indelible colors, quality materials curated with intent.
Adhering to traditional byzantine iconography.
Hand-Made silk screen on a wooden base.
Icons of The Annunciation depict Archangel Gabriel delivering God’s message to Mary. His right hand is raised toward Mary to convey that he is blessing her with the holy message that she will give birth to the Son of God. The feast day of The Annunciation is celebrated on March 25th for Catholic and Orthodox. The Annunciation, refers to the event in which Archangel Gabriel visited the Virgin Mary with the message that she was to become the mother of Christ. The Annunciation is found in the Gospel of Luke (New Testament).
Product details
• Made in Greece • Weight: 9.6 oz (272.16 g) • Dimensions: 3.9 x 0.6 x 5.1 in (9.9 x 1.5 x 13 cm) • SKU: SF13X10_453