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Spires in the Sun: The Carpenter Gothic Episcopal Churches of Florida by J. Rich and P. Eschbach
WINNER OF THE FLORIDA HISTORICAL SOCIETY'S 2024 CHARLTON TEBEAU AWARD • An award-winning work that weaves together architectural, church and Florida history, this sumptuous hard-bound volume features engrossing storytelling, an abundance of...
What Were You Arguing About Along the Way? Gospel Reflections for Advent, Christmas, Lent, Holy Week and Easter
Recommended in November 2023 by Bishop Mary Gray-Reeves at Diocesan Convention for the Diocese of Florida. Created by Pádraig Ó Tuama five years ago, the Spirituality of Conflict website is...
Welcome to Anglican Spiritual Tradition
Sunday morning St. John's Cathedral formation study for inquirers or new Episcopalians or February 2024 Part of the well-established Welcome to... series from Morehouse Publishing, this book addresses church history from...
Ministry with the Sick
This pocket-sized edition of a pastoral staple will include official new rites of the Episcopal Church. Included are prayers, litanies, and other material that address medical conditions that were either...
Walk In Love: Episcopal Beliefs and Practices
2024 CONFIRMAND BOOK STUDY, ST. JOHN'S CATHEDRAL, JACKSONVILLE, FL Winner of a 2019 Illumination Book Award for Theology Take a journey through The Book of Common Prayer, the Christian life, and...
Toxic Charity: How Churches and Charities Hurt Those They Help
OCTOBER 2024 FIRST MONDAY BOOK CLUB SELECTION Veteran urban activist Robert Lupton reveals the shockingly toxic effects that modern charity has upon the very people meant to benefit from it....
Vestry Resource Guide
Whether you're a new vestry member or a seasoned veteran, the newly revised Vestry Resource Guide is essential reading. With a deliberate focus on the importance of lay and clergy...
Vestry Handbook Fourth Revised Edition
An indespensable resource that supports vestry members and clergy in their ministry. Trusted by tens of thousands of vestry members, wardens, and rectors, The Vestry Handbook is the indispensable guide to the...
Enriching Our Worship 1 : Morning and Evening Prayer, The Great Litany, The Holy Eucharist
This is the edition of Supplemental Liturgical Materials prepared by The Standing Liturgical Commission 1997. Materials include seventeen additional canticles taken from the Old Testament, the Apocrypha, the New Testament,...
Ritual Excellence: Best Practices for Leading and Planning Liturgy
A leading expert shares important benchmarks for leading liturgy.Grounded in Christian liturgical theology and how ritual forms the people who practice it, this book offers the principles at work in...
Welcome to a Life of Faith in the Episcopal Church
Perfect for newcomers and confirmation classes The Episcopal Church has a language and a practice all its own. For a newcomer, these can seem intimidating at first glance. This book...
The Episcopal Handbook Revised Edition
A classic best-selling manual on Episcopalian faith for lifelong followers, newcomers, and those wishing to sample and explore the beliefs and organization of the denomination. The original Episcopal Handbook, published in...
A Lector's Guide and Commentary to the Revised Common Lectionary (Year C)
A Lector's Guide and Commentary to the Revised Common Lectionary assists those whose calling, responsibility, and privilege it is to proclaim the Word of God through the public reading of Holy...
It's Ok That You're Not Ok: Meeting Grief and Loss in a Culture That Doesn't Understand 2022 LAY MINISTERS COURSE BOOK
As seen in THE NEW YORK TIMES - READER'S DIGEST - SPIRITUALITY & HEALTH - HUFFPOST Featured on NPR's RADIO TIMES and WISCONSIN PUBLIC RADIO When a painful loss or life-shattering event upends your world, here...
Book of Occasional Services 2022
Newly updated Episcopal liturgies for every season. The Book of Occasional Services 2022 contains authorized liturgies for numerous occasions, including seasonal blessings, lessons and carols for Christmas and Advent, tenebrae,...
A Lector's Guide & Commentary to the Revised Common Lectionary: Year B
A LECTOR'S GUIDE AND COMMENTARY assists those whose calling, responsibility, and privilege it is to proclaim the Word of God through the public reading of Holy Scripture. The Guide provides...
Preparing an Episcopal Funeral
Funeral planning is one of the most challenging things a family or priest may ever do, whether it is honoring the death of a loved one or long-time member of...
Lesser Feast and Fasts 2022
Newly revised commemorations for saints and occasions throughout the church year. Lesser Feasts and Fasts supplements the Book of Common Prayer with material to commemorate numerous saints and occasions. This 2022...
Today Is a Baptism Day
An ideal book to read with children to wonder and learn about baptism, with illustrations that reflect the diversity of God's people.
Enriching Our Worship 3: Burial Rites for Adults: Together with a Rite for the Burial of A Child
These authorized rites are intended to be a supplement to the burial services in the Book of Common Prayer, adding a rich variety of material from many sources, including prayers for...
Enriching Our Music 1: Canticles and Setting for the Eucharist
This is the first of two collections from the Standing Commission on Liturgy and Music of additional service music for the church with eleven settings for the eucharist and two...
Unearthing My Religion: Real Talk About Real Faith
Religious talk quickly degenerates into insider talk, but what if we turned it back out? Episcopal Bishop Mary Gray-Reeves takes six words related to Christian faith and translates them, so...
What We Do in Church: An Anglican Child's Activity Book
Engage your children with fun activities as they learn about Anglican liturgy and experience a more meaningful worship. With interactive puzzles, color-by-number, word finds, and more, this fun-filled activity book...
Episcopal Questions, Episcopal Answers: Exploring the Christian Faith
An accessible introduction to the Episcopal Church for general inquiries, use with new members, as a confirmation resource, and in youth and adult study groups.A simple Q&A provides a quick,...
A Great Cloud of Witnesses
Church Publishing Incorporated is pleased to offer this new and expanded volume of optional commemorations of significant figures in the history of The Episcopal Church. It replaces the popular Holy Women,...
A Priest's Handbook: The Ceremonies of the Church
An authoritative priestly guidebook of the hows and whys of the Episcopal liturgy. The definitive reference work that simplifies liturgical officiating and celebrating of the rites of the Episcopal Church. A...
The Marriage Journey: Preparations and Provisions for a Life Together
The two authors of this book, Linda Grenz and Del Glover, say at the outset that they are ordinary Christians writing for ordinary Christians and ordinary congregations. So why has...
Enriching Our Worship 5: Liturgies and Prayers Related to Childbearing, Childbirth, and Loss
This unique new service book includes liturgies for blessing and healing as related to childbearing and childbirth. It includes prayers, Scripture readings and hymn suggestions organized around the blessing of...
Planning for Rites & Rituals: Year B
The indispensable guide to curating resources for worship in the Episcopal Church. Newly revised and reorganized, Planning for Rites and Rituals is a guide to liturgical planning in the Episcopal Church, organized...
Creating Uncommon Worship: Transforming the Liturgy of Eucharist
Creating Uncommon Worship is a groundbreaking resource that seeks to transform the way worship is conducted and experienced. Offering helpful suggestions on how to avoid the common problem of restricting liturgy...
The Canterbury Book New Parish Prayers: Collects for the Church and for the World
This collection of around 500 original collect-style prayers and biddings covering the life of the Church and the life of the world. Contemporary in focus and language, the prayers are...
Enriching Our Music 2: More Canticles and Settings for the Eucharist
This second volume of canticles and settings for the eucharist contains music for the remaining new canticles found in "Enriching Our Worship 1" and more compositions for the eucharist by...
Women's Lectionary for Whole Church: Year W
What would it look like if women built a lectionary focusing on women's stories? What does it look like to tell the good news through the stories of women who...
Women's Lectionary for Whole Church-Year B
The next installment in the critically acclaimed lectionary series that focuses on women's stories. In this second volume of the three-volume Women's Lectionary for the Whole Church, widely praised womanist bible...
Listening Hearts: Discerning Call in Community (30th Anniversary Edition)
This 30th anniversary edition presents the unique approach of Listening Hearts to the spiritual practice of discernment for a new generation. Written to make the often elusive and usually clergy-centered spiritual practice...
This Band of Sisterhood: Black Women Bishops on Race, Faith, and the Church
Get to know the first five Black women to be elected diocesan bishops within the Episcopal Church. During this moment, with the #metoo movement, Black Lives Matter, and the increased...
When Church Stops Working: A Future for Your Congregation beyond More Money, Programs, and Innovation
What if the solution for the decline of today's church isn't more money, people, programs, innovation, or busyness?What if the answer is to stop and wait on God?In When Church Stops...
Christianity: The First 3,000 Years
YEAR 3 EDUCATION FOR MINISTRY (EfM) READING TEXT The New York Times bestseller and definitive history of Christianity for our time--from the award-winning author of The Reformation and Silence A product of electrifying scholarship conveyed...
Water for Baptism, Water for Life: An Activity Book
An illustrated book for 8-11 year olds and families, with activities that offer a variety of ways for children to interact with this core value of our faith, making a...
The Acolyte's Book: A Basic Guide for the Church Acolyte Complete with Certificate
Clearly defines duties, procedures, equipment and key words. Includes line drawings of vestments and a nondenominational certificate.