Books by The Very Rev. Kate Moorehead Carroll, Dean of St. John's Cathedral

Katherine (Kate) Moorehead Carroll is the tenth dean of St. John's Cathedral in Jacksonville, Florida. She is the author of eight books: Vital Signs of Faith: Finding Health in Your Spiritual Life, Angels of the Bible: Finding Grace, Beauty and Meaning, I Witness: Living Inside the Stories of Advent & Christmas, Healed: How Mary Magdalene Was Made Well, Resurrecting Easter: Meditations for the Great 50 Days, Get Over Yourself, God's Here: A Forty-Day Journey of Repentance, Organic God: Lenten Mediations on the Words of Jesus, and Between Two Worlds: Daily Readings for Advent. Dean Kate also has a daily Morning Prayer devotional and a podcast called Find It. Links to both of these are on our home page.

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Vital Signs of Faith: Finding Health In Your Spiritual Life

Vital Signs of Faith: Finding Health In Your Spiritual Life

As the world changes rapidly, Christianity too is changing. Amid this transition, questions arise: How do we know if we are being faithful? How do we know if we are...