Art (including local artists)

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Carol McCrady Michael framed angel

Carol McCrady Michael framed angel

Archangel Michael is east of the throne of God. His name means "Looks like God" or "who Is As God." He is the protector of the Roman Catholic Church as...
Carol McCrady Studio November angel framed

Carol McCrady Studio November angel framed

The month of November is governed by ADNACHIEL. She guards the creatures that fly. From the great eagle to the common fly she watches over those that dwell in the...
Carol McCrady Studio Raphael framed angel

Carol McCrady Studio Raphael framed angel

Archangel Raphael, "The shining one who heals" is seated north of the Throne of God. He is especially concerned with Pilgrims - meaning not only travelers but those on a...
Carol McCrady Studios January framed angel Gabriel

Carol McCrady Studios January framed angel Gabriel

January is governed by the Archangel Gabriel. The Archangel Gabriel guards the north. He is also the bearer of good news, but his main duty is to foster all humanity....
Carol McCrady Studios May angel framed Ambriel

Carol McCrady Studios May angel framed Ambriel

May is governed by AMBRIEL. She is the guardian of God's garden-the Earth. She brings us happiness in a gentle way through the buds and blossoms of spring.Ambriel has been...